
Department of Plastic and Hand Surgery, Specialized Burn Center

The only specialized burn centre in the State of Hessen

The Surgical department is a facility specializing in the entire field of plastic surgery, including the treatment of patients with Severe Burn Injuries, with a separate intensive care unit. It is the only specialized burn centre in State of Hessen.

The main emphasis of the department is in the following areas:

  • Reconstruction and correction of body contours and visibly impaired physical capabilities by reconstructive or corrective plastic surgical interventions, e.g. after devastating injuries, benign or malignant tumors, in particular of the face and extremities, chronic or persistent wounds healing impairment (e.g. pressure sores), as well as malformations.

  • Special corrective breast surgery, including breast reduction with a technique producing limited scars, breast enlargement or lifting; breast reconstruction after cancer surgery, primarily with the use of autogenous grafts (the patient´s own tissue).

  • Special cosmetic plastic surgical procedures for the face (lifting of the upper and lower eyelid, facelift, corrective nose and ear surgery, CO2 – laser treatment and treatment of wrinkles with different options)) and the body (contouring of the upper arms, thighs, and the abdominal wall, or circular lifting, as well as liposuction on every part of body).

  • Surgical treatment of recent injuries, conditions after trauma, inflammatory and degenerative disorders, congenital malformations and tumors of the hand. Reconstructive or prothetic procedures after accidents using tendon grafting and neuroplasty, as well as microsurgical techniques.

  • Reconstructive procedures to restore the physical appearance; the cosmetic reconstruction of scars after burn injuries.

The following procedures are performed

  • Abdominal reduction (tummy tuck, abdominoplasty)
  • Body lifting, body contouring
  • Breast lifts (mastopexy)
  • Breast reconstruction after cancer (with patient´s tissue: TRAM, DIEP, TMG,
  • Latissimus, or implant, reconstruction of the nipple and areola)
  • Breast reduction for men (gynaecomastia) and woman (reduction mammaplasty)
  • Breast enlargement (augmentation)
  • Ear surgery (otoplasty, reconstruction of the ear)
  • Cosmetic nose surgery (removing a hump deformity, narrowing the nose,shaping the tip of the nose)
  • Dermabrasio
  • Eyelid rejuventation (blepharoplasty, ptosis repair)
  • Face-lift and neck-lift
  • Liposuction & lipofilling
  • Reconstructive procedure after trauma or burn injuries
  • Skin augmentation (collagen, fat transplantation)


Prof. Dr. med. Henrik Menke

Prof. Dr. med. Henrik Menke
Tel.: +49 (0)69 8405-5141
Fax: + 49 (0)69 8405 5144